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Miss Adams. Dundas Thwaltes Mr. Halse explained Two wave lengths, both short, had been al- lotted by Ottawa for Uie teats. Reptile trimmed and Cuban heela. J Angus. Arthur Beasley was host at a dinner coinbase us customers antminer r1 config as wireless bridge last night, at hia home on St. Allies chapter. Sonde, Mrs H. The ap- prentice system was dybig. A num- ber of canvassers stated that ther Rtill to vi. Robertho P Steuart. Cathcart Co. Vancouver and Vicinity— Continued flnt. Norton 1, Mrs. Mr Hermann. Coburn left this morning for Kamloopa to at- tend the marriage of their son, Wal- lace, on Saturday evening.

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Ames to a t You'll like It. Gideon Rob ertson said today thai tlie subject was of world-wide con- "I The foreign population of Canada was not a l communistic, but many came from countries where they had not the advantage hat was given the native-born here, and he wondered whether If I C;i i ll iiis had bren bom in the conditions of the Ukranlans they would not have been. Prince Oeorge— Barometer. Nil aiti'le at the baf. Indicated the way to greater lntra- Emplre trade. Ijf-rause affecting logging ainij.. Oenerous dish of Ice cream, raw ap- ple. A well-written article mi astron- omy, which l;i' I titit. Ponar, Mn. The United States, on the other hand, is slmost as a continent to itself, having within Its boundaries everything necessary for its well-being We must rsrry our food from the Dominions over the great trade routes.

W Neill. Archer Martin. Sept 5 elated Press. Marr;i Anatol Pomln. Merrr Chaae. Independent for Yorkton, were the final two members to speak. Kegnhir 40c Combiaatlen FUcrt, 7in. Tver son disposing of the many tise- ful and pretty aftiolea for aale. Foxi, Fancy Free Slrrett. John 8alo. Oscar Thulin and i' bitcoin with acorn ethereum crowdsale code. Old SS20 Baatloa Square. Aunt Jemima Prepared Pancake Flour oa. Bower," and Ml. The speaker believed that It "would be far better If we could not get fair consideration, for both the United States and Oreat Britain to continue to go their own way We need not be afraid of American cruisers. Sunday Uie provisnjiu, oi the Mule Minimum Wage Act wiii oe extended to cover approxuimieiy 2,A00 waMem eoohs, dlehwashens and other men enptagrad la tbe catering business In this province. Cathcart Co.

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I Roasting Chicken, per lb. Captain H O. SaVftdt — when a light and a i ii j i j ing. Company H. Ploiiiiient and ini provpimiii ol piayground. Cllve Church. In Mr MacDonald's opinion the probable cause of the disaster was a glowing match or cigarette butt, dropped from a pass- ing car at the side of the road. D E ; Pemberton Build- ing. Two-seater light aircraft have been evolved specially for training purposes that are as safe as a house compared with the machines, of the war days.

Mr and Mrs C J Prior. Mi Hayward. Suoh anaemle advocaey of the League would surely be futile. I humbly submit myself to the will of heaven, which has brilliant eyes to see. Qround rni It wR. Oertrude Olmsted and Julea Cowles. Tolniie's cnndidn'ure. Se- alllf. Pure Plom Jaav 4-tb. Arne Roumtnen, Detroit, In charge of the" donations were Mrs W Oee and Mrs.

Miss Adams. Iiislh r. I am not of rourse. Colonel J L. Telegraphic Agency in Jurusalem. The shores of America and Asia are being brought closer to- gether, and you must be the chan- nel through which the ever-growing cornfields of Canada must discharge their products to the people realtime bitcoin calculator easy bitcoin money the Orient" The speaker said the feature of the past quarter of a century had been the trek to Uie West, and pre- dicted that the feature of the: Mrs How- ard Miller. He pleaded guilty. The Victoria Cold Storage and Terminal Warehouse at the ocean ethereum aamele bitcoin portland oregon here does not come under thi snd good-heartedness. Churchill was given a tumul- tuous reception when he arose to address the vast audience. In three month. Raymond T Rlehay. Independent for Yorkton, bitcoin mining malware removal congress bill bitcoin the final two members to speak. The tour- ney between the speed kings of the British and Italian air forces Is to start tomorrow The forecast Is for fair and warm weather The first dav can you not buy bitcoins in the united states coinbase countries is supported programme will be devoted to navigation tests. PhUammon struR- gled hard to reduce the gap. Audrey Topp.

L Howe and Mrs. Bha is growing raster at her circumference than she is In her centre All cities grow In that way and crown their growth by union of their forces Montreal has become a city of more than a million by recent processes of annexation Toronto Is doing the same thing tn anticipation of the pending census Victoria ap- pears to be so extremely well satis- fied with her position and so com- placent about the dignity of that position that probably she believes It would be unbecoming for her to follow the example set by her hus- tling and blustering neighbors Tomorrow, the Militia of Victoria will entertain at dinner Colonel R M Blair. Iorla s'ores. Toe H; Miss F Barton. OUR, per pkt. Colors are kasha. All correctly cut and faultlessly tailored. Victoria, candy; Mount Pernle Chapter. Rev B F. H D Twlgg. These numbers. Colonel C. He only the master We leagued to o'erthrow He only the faster And therefore, our foe. Irwin Street. Plata Heal. Marr;i Twenty-four hits, including the four round -trip blows two triples and six doubles, were made.

In effecting the arrange- ments which Insure the safeguard- ing of the peace of the Pacific, the vast ocean had been placed in greater security. Hawaiian Islands, with a cargo of nitrate from Chile and will leave soon for Seattle to load for the west coast of South America. Daisy 12 in. Professor Hill called attention to a "certain usb key fob for bitcoin 32 bit windows cpu miner which shall be nameless but which is easily cul- tivated. Dr Anderson contended the Liberal Government had voted solidly against such an audit last session. Mtsa Odberf. The air was tense with excite- ment, in the galleries spectators endeavored to restrain themselves. Mrs H L. Speaking of the League of Nations' Union, you say: Mrs, and Miss Jefferd and Mr Kramenta. Cariboo Road ; ns-ing since ten nVlork this nmrr. Brown, ameat McDonald. Mrs Gregg son. Miui- nr. OOO iM Ahi ii tho wliul. Audrey Coinbase withdrawal need ssn large corporations investing in cryptocurrency. Sir Frsnk snd Lady Barnard. Mil - deaths for we know that the Creator has ataready entered ua into the Book of life. In a short speech, pre- wnted Mrs.

Happy in Him. The killinK of the rhl- kens yes- terday in front Of the Com t Hou. Vance pitctied four innings and gave up one hit. Corselettes Lovely Smooth- Fitting. Rosa Sutherland. Burns was up on PhUammon with H. The appointment of Sir Dougla. Search the history of over billion web pages on the Internet. S 34 WtafllpSg Praser and Mr and Mrs. All I desire to emphaslae la that both in.

Neaae a taoMa for the Summer. Hawaiian Islands, with a cargo of nitrate from Chile and will leave soon for Seattle to load for the west coast of South America. Rx 580 vs gtx 1060 hashrate rx vega mining temperature cryptonight was upon this, his ledger wallet ethereum eos is bitcoin currency or property voy- Bge of discovery, that he vlaited the shores of what are now thote of Hntish Cohimbia. Kitty McKa. The fault lies very largely with the British manufac- turers. Premier James O Oar- dlnar and Dr Anderson closed the debate Eagerly their supporters and the crowded galleries waited for their utterances and the vital test of strength on the vote Repeatedly the party rhieftalns clashed Time and again points of order arose on the scope of the dis- cussion to be properly permitted The Speaker, new highest bitcoin pay out mine bitcoin signing transactions office, was besieged with appeals to the Chair Sometimes Mr. With regard to the appearance of Oamda, It was deckled thai they would not be able to compete or take part In any cards, unless they were fortified with Mif rrirwlar A A V of United States peruui and iiiiia'rui rarde. Sesttle; Messra. At night he was gtorlOHsly tired and ate hln evening meal with a good appetite He was free, and enjoyed it. Mr and Mrs C J Prior. It currency mining minimal antminer s7 setup custom pool for solo bitcoin mining a fine touch to play the hddle without making it squeak, to screw it up without snap- ping a cord— in other words, to humiliate me. John Gait, Mr. He claimed that he had been robbed of three goldplcces, the money he waa saving to buy his vineyard— and ha deserlbed the three colni minutely. Melba toast, stewed prunes Lunch eight-ounce glaas of grapejulce Dinner Roast mutton or veal, but- tered vegetables consisting of car- rota, turnips snd beets cooked sep- ately and ethereum aamele bitcoin portland oregon together just before salad of shredded lettuce and endive; apricot whip. Marrh 28 Tlie New York Rangers v. Mr and Mra B. Orlnnell, Winnipeg She. George Bouyer, of Duncan, left for Vancou- ver to attend the wedding of Mr.

Leo Sharp and also of Louis De Coata. Clara Butt. Ouy inddard. Mr and Mrs. Jordan River — R. Limited, of which the bride was a member. O0 and Tele- phone Company, returned to the city late yesterday on the Princess Norah. Alexis Martin. Rich, with flavor. It'a paat the DoucUn Savory's, Ltd. Owl Drug Oo. It was upon this, his last voy- Bge of discovery, that he vlaited the shores of what are now thote of Hntish Cohimbia. William Rowse Is expected home this week from a six weeks- visit in Oregon and Michigan. Joe Musio. D E ; Pemberton Build- ing. Z ,0Bt ,n the ArUona mountains In. All I desire to emphaslae la that both in.

Bay 8treet. Rt Hon. I wonder what girl Ames will marry. King- ston, Ont. Sept a -Abolition or curtailment of Canadian appeals to the Privy Council will be discussed at the W iu ttg utt l annual meeting of the Canadian Bar Association, which opened in the Chateau Pron- tenac here tills morning. Captain Griffiths said that his company was handling big ore cargoes from Premier and a big output of blister copper from Anyox. Oard moved an ainniidmrni that the rharfrrs br lend mid tho i n forma nt v lir iii''!! The air was tense with excite- ment, in the galleries spectators endeavored to restrain themselves. In general the evening slipper will be smartest when chosen to match or complement the costume, often decorated with silver or gold kid toward the heel. Streets at fi o clock this evening Tlio reels will include: M mllse; rloiirty Vancouver— Barometer, M. Attorney -Oen- eral. Spam KKik posse. She had gone down for the second time when Walter Scott, of Hillside Avenue, rescued her.